Gambling Disorders


Gambling involves betting something of value on an event where the outcome is determined by chance. This may be done with money, objects (such as marbles or collectable game pieces like Magic: The Gathering or pogs), or other materials. It can be legal or illegal, depending on the context and country in which it is conducted. Gambling also carries the risk of negative consequences for the gambler and his or her family and friends.

While gambling is a common pastime and can be fun, it can also cause problems if not handled properly. It can negatively impact relationships and finances and lead to serious debt, which can have long-term effects. It can also make people feel depressed or anxious, and can be a form of self-medication.

A person with a gambling disorder has an intense desire to gamble and may find it difficult to control their actions. They often spend more than they can afford and lie to family members or therapists about their involvement in gambling. They might even steal or commit other crimes to fund their gambling.

There are many ways to help someone with a gambling problem, including cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), support groups such as Gam-Anon and physical activity. If you are worried about someone you know, talk to them about their problems and seek professional advice. It is important to remember that they didn’t choose to be a gambler and they probably don’t realise that their gambling is damaging their mental health and their relationships.